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Announcing Spirent Velocity 8.6 Release

PRODUCT UPDATE                                                                                                                                        
Velocity Release:
Significant innovations address the growing demand for automation

The demand for test and test environment automation has never been higher. Fueling this drive is new cloud-native technologies like 5G, whose components are highly disaggregated with independent release schedules and contents. Also driving the demand for test environment automation is the ongoing movement to remote working, consolidation, and the demands of being more efficient across geo-diverse engineering teams. The Velocity 8.6 release addresses these demands through major improvements in usability, productivity, and new functionality in several key areas.
Release 8.6
Velocity New Features Enriched Activity Catalog:
Launch startup/teardown tasks and test cases, and runlists from Velocity. Enable new and experienced Velocity users to run test automation through a richly documented and intuitive workflow.

Test Associations:
Associate test cases with their applicable parameter files and topologies in Velocity. Find and select the right test cases, parameters, and topologies FASTER when running test automation.

Maintenance Windows:
Define and publish system maintenance windows to notify and limit usage during system maintenance in Velocity. Plan and communicate your upcoming system maintenance windows to all users and limit logins to Velocity during maintenance time.
Velocity iTest New Features Appium Session:
Automate Android and iOS handsets by installing, upgrading, and launching applications in iTest. Perform RELIABLE mobility service validation over real iOS handsets using the iTest GUI and Network DevOps (NDO) agent.

Session Level Control (SLC) Debugging:
Debug real-time drivers dispatched from Velocity within the iTest GUI. Develop and debug real-time drivers EASIER in Velocity using the full power of the iTest GUI debugger.
Product Webpage
Software Availability The latest Velocity software can be downloaded from the CSC via the Download tab by selecting: General Release > iTest/Velocity

Associated technical documentation, including release notes, can also be found under the Related Resources link for that software version.

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Product : Velocity iTest,iTest Team Server,Velocity Portfolio,Velocity Core