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Announcing Spirent Velocity 8.7 Release

PRODUCT UPDATE                                                                                                                                        
Velocity Release:

The demand for test and test environment automation has never been higher. Fueling this drive is new cloud-native technologies like 5G, whose components are highly disaggregated with independent release schedules and contents. Also driving the demand for test environment automation is the ongoing movement to remote working, consolidation, and the demands of being more efficient across geo-diverse engineering teams. The Velocity 8.7 release feeds this demand through major improvements usability, productivity, and new functionality in several key areas.
Release 8.7
Velocity New Features Resource Costing:
Optimize capital investments in test environment resources by configuring Velocity to choose the lowest cost resources, ports, and routes for each test bed.

Topology Enhancements:
First, ‘topology sharing’ allows users to collaborate their teams by granting edit permissions to their topologies. Second, ‘topology quick edit and reserve’ allows users to edit and reserve others’ topologies without having to clone and manage them as separate topology files.

OpenSearch Dashboards:
Leverage new visualizations and plugins to dashboard test and resource data with the introduction of OpenSearch.

Resource Hyperlinks:
Associate resources to external systems such as asset management, support, and management systems to improve the user experience and better manage test resources.
Velocity iTest New Features Appium Session Enhancements:
Validate functionality and performance of real applications on mobile handsets on mobile networks. Remotely control, verify, and view a real handset with the new ‘iTest Appium Inspector’.

YAML Editing:
Rapidly create and modify YAML files using iTest’s GUI and convert those actions into automation using iTest capture/replay.
NDO Public Key Management API:
Quickly and accurately manage public keys on NDO agents deployed in production networks making ‘signed automation content’ easier to maintain​.
Product Webpage
Software Availability The latest Velocity software can be downloaded from the CSC via the Download tab by selecting: General Release > iTest/Velocity

Associated technical documentation, including release notes, can also be found under the Related Resources link for that software version.

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Product : Velocity Core,Velocity iTest,Velocity Portfolio,Velocity iTest,Velocity Core