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Spirent TestCenter: VXLAN-EVPN Wizard - How to configure the same L3 VNI for all the VTEPs with different L2 VNI for each of those VTEPS?

  • Customer doesn't want to increment L3 VNI per VTEP across all the VTEPs but wants to increment L2 VNI per VTEP across all the VTEPs.
  • v5.09
  • Customer can configure below option:
  • This will generate below VXLAN segments:
  • For the expected behavior, customer can manually edit L3 VNI step to 1 in both segment and EVPN routes page.
  • This will also create less number of VM devices
  • For RT, RD:
    • Auto RT/RD option available under Configure L3 segments will update the value configured in Type 2 MAC+IP routes
    • Auto RT/RD option available under Configure L2 segments will update the value configured in Type 2 MAC routes.
    • We will be adding info for Auto RT/RD option under L2 segments to avoid confusion
  • Customer can configure them as below to get the required RT and RD:

Product : Routing,Spirent TestCenter,BGP,VXLAN