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Spirent TestCenter CTS: Select and Run Tests, View Results


This Video Demonstration is a narrated screen cam showing how to Select and Run Tests. It demonstrates how to select the Test Case(s) from the Test Case Groups and how one or more Test Cases can be selected at a time (a Test Case is one "clause" of the standard being tested). Also, how to use the Selection Filters to isolate specific Test Cases based on criteria such as all Passed, Failed, Inconclusive, No Verdict. Also, how to run the test and view the test Execution Status and Summary. Finally, how to view and save the Results.

Course: Essentials of Spirent TestCenter Conformance Testing (CTS)
Series: Essentials of Courses

Run Time: 14 min


Product : Spirent TestCenter,L2-3,CTS,Spirent TestCenter,IP