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How do I get access to the complete suite of Avalanche / ThreatEx knowledge base threats?


Access to the complete knowledge base (7000+ threats) is sold on a yearly basis as a subscription service. If you wish to purchase this subscription, please contact your Spirent Sales team. 

If you have purchased a knowledge base subscription and have not received your username and password, you will need to email Spirent Technical support ( to request it.
Once you have the username/password, configure your Avalanche GUI under Tools>Preferences>ThreatEx>Threat Update with your credentials. (You only need to enter the username/password, all other settings can be left at the defaults)
After having entered your username and password, you can update your threat database by going to Tools>ThreatEx>Update ThreatEx in the Avalanche GUI.

Product : Avalanche,Vulnerability,ThreatEx