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Doc ID: FAQ10146
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Avalanche: How Avalanche allocates IP addresses across multiple cores (why more than 1 simuser is seen during validate mode with 1 action list).
Avalanche Commander 3.50+
Multi-core port(s)
Each client subnet is divided and distributed over the available cores. The entire IP address range is divided equally among the cores
For server associations, each server is enabled over a range of IP addresses (or MAC addresses). The total number of server hosts is divided equally among the cores
In validate ("trial") mode a single simuser is born for each action list (on each core), so for a 2 core port with 1 line in a single action list you will have 2 simusers born (one per core) and see two transactions.
To disable this behavior use #NODIVIDE as the first line in each client/actions list
Note: This may impact performance at higher load as only a single core is enabled, multiple #NODIVIDE action lists may be used to enable additional ports.
For more detailed information and examples please see the Avalanche Commander GUI help 'multi-core considerations'
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Product : Avalanche
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