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Landslide - How do I perform the TAS Manager or Test Server initial setup or configuration changes?



a.       For the initial setup, you have to connect a monitor and keyboard to the TAS manager or Test Server and power it up.
b.      Once the power up sequence is completed, login with username = password =cfguser (by default).
c.       At the prompt, type: ipcfg – configure the parameters like management port IP Address, subnet mask, port configuration, gateway IP Address, Hostname, DNS, NTP server IP and perform the reboot when prompted at the end of the command.
d.      Here is an example of the ipcfg command for a TAS Manager:
NOTE - Preferred management port is eth0
Designate management port (eth0-eth4) [eth0]:
<eth0> IP Address []:
<eth0> Network Mask []:
<eth0> Auto Negotiate? (yes/no) [yes]:
<eth0> IP Gateway []:
<eth0> Host Name []:
Enable DNS? (yes/no) [no]:
NTP Server IP []:
System must be rebooted for these changes to take effect... Reboot now? (yes/no) [yes]:
e.      Here is an example of the ipcfg command for a Test Server
Designate management port (eth0-eth9) [eth0]:
<eth0> IP Address []:
<eth0> Network Mask []:
<eth0> Auto Negotiate? (yes/no) [yes]:
<eth0> IP Gateway []:
<eth0> Host Name []:
TAS IP Address []:
NTP Server IP []:
System must be rebooted for these changes to take effect... Reboot now? (yes/no) [yes]:
f.        For a TAS Manager or Test Server already configured, you modify the configuration, telnet to their known management port IP Address, login with username = password =cfguser (by default) and follow the same steps as listed in steps c, d and e.
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Product : Landslide