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What is the UIC code on a VMS Workstation?


The user identification code (UIC) on VMS workstations is an octal number assigned uniquely to each user on a VMS workstation. The format of the UIC is as follows:-

The group number is an octal number in the range 0 to 37776, the member number is an octal number in the range 0 to 177776. You have to specify this number when creating VMS user accounts. The GPS user accounts on the VMS workstation are usually specified in the Group 200, e.g:-
          where *** is the unique number for each user account.

You can view the UIC codes on VMS workstations by entering the following commands at the terminal prompt:-
    $ Set def sys$system
    $ r authorize
    AUTHORIZE> show [***,***] /brief

To exit the Authorize utility type Exit.

Product : SimGEN