How to test to the Cisco ME3400 Echo Server with SSC and the 6500 QSCOPE The ME3400 needs to be set up as a NE Echo Server. In the lab we used the following commands to set up a NE Echo Server on VLAN 137 using IP address service udp-small-servers service tcp-small-servers vlan 137 interface Vlan137 ip address Cisco ME3400 CONFIGURATION version 12.2 no service pad service tcp-keepalives-in service tcp-keepalives-out service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone service password-encryption service linenumber service udp-small-servers service tcp-small-servers ! hostname 1630_ME3400_Top ! logging buffered 262144 debugging ! clock timezone CST -6 clock summer-time CST recurring system mtu routing 1500 ip subnet-zero no ip source-route no ip domain-lookup no ip dhcp conflict logging ! mac access-list extended all-mac-traffic permit any any ! spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst spanning-tree extend system-id spanning-tree vlan 103 priority 24576 spanning-tree vlan 137 priority 12288 ! vlan internal allocation policy ascending vlan dot1q tag native ! vlan 137 name TestVlan137 ! ! interface FastEthernet0/7 port-type nni switchport access vlan 137 ! interface GigabitEthernet0/1 port-type nni switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,137 switchport mode trunk ! interface Vlan137 ip address no ip route-cache ! This allows layer 3 testing to the NE Echo server. These tests include the PING, TRACEROUTE, NETWORK QUALITY, and RFC2544. Use the circuit CISCO_VOIP_VLAN137 on the sscentral3 SSC machine with the 1830_C7609_NEW access point. ACTIVE TESTING After you access the VLAN, select CHANGE ACCESS and ACTIVE In the Source Device fields you will assign the QSCOPE ACTIVE interface an IP address that can use to test with the ME 3400 Echo Server address. This needs to be on the same subnet or routable to the ME3400 echo server. Select the IP Tests and the test you wish to perform. PING TEST Enter in the IP address of the ME3400 echo server and click OK. TEST RESULTS TRACEROUTE TEST Enter in the IP address of the ME3400 echo server and click OK. TEST RESULTS NETWORK QUALITY TEST Enter in the IP address of the ME3400 echo server and select the parameters and click OK. TEST RESULTS RFC2544 TEST Enter in the IP address of the ME3400 echo server and select the parameters and click OK. TEST RESULTS