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How do I Stop, Start, and Get a Status on STC Live and Supporting APPS (eScout, Tomcat)


metro   (Takes you to /spirent/metro/5.000)
cd /spirent/metro/<new_version>/scripts
startAllMetro      <--Starts are STC Live T&D Proces

Verify that the STC Live T&D processes are running.

Sample output:
PointOfServiceServer is running (pid=67358)
LicensingServer is running (pid=26232)
AuditingServer is running (pid=58418)
SecurityServer is running (pid=46022)
RegistryServer is running (pid=63802)
MetroInventory is running (pid=37294)

For Device Control, you should see 2 processes:
ps –aef | grep –i device

Sample output:
smartsys 43340 1 0 15:59:00 pts/0 0:00
/spirent/metro/<new_version>/DeviceControl/bin/io_server.exe -p 9062 -s 5-f /spirent/metro/<new_version>/DeviceControl/adm/logicals

smartsys 48608 1 0 15:59:00 pts/0 0:00
/spirent/metro/<new_version>/DeviceControl/python/DeviceControl/ -l /spirent/metro/logs -p 9058 -i 9062 -v equinox -m

For the Resource Manager, you should see 2 processes:
ps –aef | grep metro_res

Sample output:

smartsys 15504 1 0 Jul 15 - 10:46 metro_resource –f
/spirent/metro/<new_version>/MetroResourceManagement/data/resource_logicals -O -R -u smartsys -p 9059

smartsys 43632 1 0 Jul 15 - 0:00 metro_resource –f
/spirent/metro/<new_version>/MetroResourceManagement/data/resource_logicals -O -R -u smartsys -p 9059

For Tomcat, you should see 1 process for SmartSight Central. You may see others under the
hlisys owner, but they would likely be for the REACT OSS. You may see another for an un-owned

ps –aef | grep tomcat

Sample output:
smartsys 31210 1 0 Jul 15 - 6:22/spirent/cots/java/1.5/jre/bin/java –
Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -
Djava.util.logging.config.file=/spirent/cots/tomcat/6.0.14/conf/ -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms128m -Xmx512m -
Djava.endorsed.dirs=/spirent/cots/tomcat/6.0.14/endorsed -classpath
SmartSight Central 5.000 Installation Guide – Rev. B Page 9
:/spirent/cots/tomcat/6.0.14/bin/bootstrap.jar:/spirent/cots/tomcat/6.0.14/bin/commons-logging-api.jar catalina.base=/spirent/cots/tomcat/6.0.14
-Dcatalina.home=/spirent/cots/tomcat/6.0.14 -
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

-Manually -starting DeviceMaintenance (non-DPT installation)

On DPT installations, the DeviceMaintenance server will start with startAllMetro.
If DeviceMaintenance was optionally installed on a primary server, start it manually using these commands:
cd /spirent/metro/<new_version>/DeviceMaintenance/scripts

-Manually starting Informix
This procedure is normally not necessary. The Informix servers should start up automatically
after installation is complete and if the machine is rebooted. These instructions are provided in
the event that Informix needs to be started manually.
1. Log in as Informix and execute id to verify.
2. Set the database environment variables:
. /spirent/metro[-backup]/<new_version>/MetroDB/metroDB.env

3. Verify Informix started correctly:
onstat -

Example results:
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.31.UD10 -- On-Line -- Up 2 days03:31:29 -- 498608 Kbytes

-Manually starting Tomcat
This procedure is normally not necessary. The Tomcat servers should start up automatically
after installation is complete and if the machine is rebooted. These instructions are provided in
the event that Tomcat needs to be started manually.
1. Log in as smartsys and execute id to verify.
2. Run the start command:
cd /spirent/cots/tomcat/<tomcat version>/bin
3. Verify that the process is running:
ps –aef | grep tomcat

-Stopping and Starting eScout
cd /spirent/metro/escout

./status (Shows you the status of the eScout processes)

=> ./status

Checking to see if the eScout Collectors are running...
The collection processes are running...

Checking to see if the eScout Web Server is running...
The Tomcat Web Server is running...

Checking to see if the eScout Application Server is running...
Both of the Application Server (data server) processes are running...

./stop (Stop’s eScout processes)
./start (Start’s the eScout processes)

=> ./start
Start data collector ...
Start Web server ...
Start data server ...
smartsys@osstest [/spirent/metro/escout] (RC=0)



Product : VW Controller PM Classic,VW Controller T&D Classic,Informix