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How to disable analog circuit- ports via TCL after the environment has been loaded?


Here is a sample script addressing this function...


# This sample will show how to enable/disable circuilts in protocol selection.
# Using Demo_Analog.env
# The circuilts 1, 3, 5 of slot 1 will be disabled

package require tclreadyapi

set OUTFILE "_PtlSelection_SetConfig_Circuits.txt"
::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE "\n*********************************************\n"

::aba::ApiApplication app
::aba::ApiProtocolSelection ptl

set chan [app Enter localhost]
if { ![regexp {sock\d+} $chan] } {
    ::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE [app GetLastError]
::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE "Abacus Entered Successfully\n"

set envFile "Demo_Analog.env"
set loadret [app Load $envFile]
if { ![string equal -nocase $loadret "OK"] } {
    ::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE [app GetLastError]
    ::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE "Fail to load the environment: \"$envFile\".\n"
::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE "Load the environment file sucessfully.\n"
::aba::sleep 10

set ptlXml {<protocol-selection>
        <slot-card-spec type="EANALOG" slot="1">
        <slot-card-spec type="EANALOG" slot="2">
        <slot-channel-spec type="EANALOG" slot="1">
            <protocol>Loop start</protocol>
        <slot-channel-spec type="EANALOG" slot="2">
            <protocol>Loop start</protocol>
        <slot-sut-spec type="EANALOG" slot="1">
            <profile>Default Analog</profile>
        <slot-sut-spec type="EANALOG" slot="2">
            <profile>Default Analog</profile>
        <slot-circuit-spec slot="1">
            <circuit num="1" enabled="false"/>
            <circuit num="2" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="3" enabled="false"/>
            <circuit num="4" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="5" enabled="false"/>
            <circuit num="6" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="7" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="8" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="9" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="10" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="11" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="12" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="13" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="14" enabled="true"/>
        <slot-circuit-spec slot="2">
            <circuit num="1" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="2" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="3" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="4" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="5" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="6" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="7" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="8" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="9" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="10" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="11" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="12" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="13" enabled="true"/>
            <circuit num="14" enabled="true"/>
        <slot-analog-spec hdw-type="ECG3" slot="1">
            <country>Not Defined</country>
            <impedance>600 Ohm</impedance>
        <slot-analog-spec hdw-type="XCG3" slot="2">
            <impedance>600 Ohm</impedance>

if { [ptl SetCurrentConfig $ptlXml] != 1 } then {
    ::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE [ptl GetLastError]
    ::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE "Fail to set the configuration of protocol selection."
} else {
    ::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE "Set the configuration of protocol selection successfully.\n"

set ret [ptl GetCurrentConfig]
if {[string length $ret] == 0} {
    ::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE "[ptl GetLastError]"
    ::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE "Fail to get the configuration of protocol selection."
::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE "Current configuration of protocol selection:"
::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE "$ret"

::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE "Abacus instance exited.\n"

::aba::WriteToFile $OUTFILE "SCRIPT DONE"


Product : Abacus,Automation,Analog,6.20,CAS