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How can I find saved test-set configuration files on a REACT server?



Sometimes there is a need to find or manipulate the saved test set configuration files stored in REACT
In REACT there is a feature called SAVE / RESTORE test set configurations. These saved configurations are stored as files at the operating system level. There are two places the saved configurations could be saved on a REACT  host depending whether the application is configured to use ORS (Old Resource Server) or NRS (New Resource Server).
Old Resource Server
1)      Telnet to the host and log in using the hlisys userid and password. Note, this is a unix login.
2)       cd /hekimian/react/semaphore
3)      The saved configuration files will be in the form of cnf_*
4)      ls –lart cnf_*
-rw-rw-r--   1 hlisys     users         5736 Feb 26  2008 cnf_bhlhpabed31
-rw-rw-r--   1 hlisys     users         6290 Feb 26  2008 cnf_auswtxgxd31
-rw-rw-r--   1 hlisys     users         6836 Feb 26  2008 cnf_atlngaqsd31
-rw-rw-r--   1 hlisys     users         6164 Feb 26  2008 cnf_atlagaqld31
New Resource Server
1)      Telnet to the host and log in using the hlisys userid and password. Note, this is a unix login.
2)      cd /hekimian/react-2001/system/DeviceConfiguration
3)      The saved configuration files will be in the form of *.conf
4)      ls *.conf
-rw-r-----    1 hlisys   staff     6267 Dec 22 11:25 Device_15847_IPMAX-31_SPIRENT_3577C.conf
-rw-r-----    1 hlisys   staff     8150 Dec 22 11:18 Device_2622_BRTU-95_SPIRENT_6750.conf
-rw-r-----    1 hlisys   staff     6640 Dec 22 11:19 Device_719_6760-TSC_SPIRENT_6760.conf
-rw-r-----    1 hlisys   staff     9571 Oct 26 11:44 Device_7957_6750DL_SPIRENT_6750.conf

Product : REACT