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Why the Avalanche API test fails with Error “ Error invoking DeviceInfo java code:"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at com.spirentcom.admin.DeviceInfo.<init>(Unknown Source)?


Detailed Error Information:

% set clientUnits [list]

    lappend clientUnits ",1;0"

    set clientClusterID [SPI_AV::ClusterController::CreateCluster "client" "MyClientCluster" $clientUnits configArray]

    SPI_AV::dputs STATUS "Created client cluster"% {,1;0}


ERROR: Error invoking DeviceInfo java code:

"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

        at com.spirentcom.admin.DeviceInfo.<init>(Unknown Source)

        at com.spirentcom.admin.DeviceInfo.main(Unknown Source)"


Possible Reason and Resolution

Possibility is that the module/ports no longer in the chassis, since the Avalanche API connect find the ports throwing the error.

Make sure the module/ports are physically available in the slot


Product : Avalanche,L4-7,Automation,Spirent TestCenter