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Unable to load Avalanche package in Linux/Solaris due to an error "The TclPro ByteCode Loader is not available or does not support the correct version"



Error Details:
An exception occurred: The TclPro ByteCode Loader is not available or does not support the correct version
The TclPro ByteCode Loader is not available or does not support the correct version
    while executing
"error "The TclPro ByteCode Loader is not available or does not support the correct version""
    invoked from within
"if {[catch {package require tbcload 1.3} err] == 1} {
    error "The TclPro ByteCode Loader is not available or does not support the correct version"
    (file "/opt/Layer_4_7_Auto_Linux_3.90/Layer_4_7_Application_Linux/TclAPI/spi_av_ne.tcl" line 4)
    invoked from within
"source /opt/Layer_4_7_Auto_Linux_3.90/Layer_4_7_Application_Linux/TclAPI/spi_av_ne.tcl"
    ("package ifneeded" script)
    invoked from within
"package require SPI_AV"
invalid command name "SPI_AV::dputs"
    while executing
"SPI_AV::dputs STATUS "Done!""
    (file "test.tcl" line 296)
Reason – This is due to the missing or unsupported version of tDom and tbcload packages in the TCL library
How to check the version of the packages and what versions are supported?
In the tcl shell
package require tdom
This should return version 080 or Higher
package require tbcload
This should return version 1.3 or higher
User can either
1.       Install new Tcl package (8.4.13) with tDom and tbcload OR
2.       Download tDom and tbcload and Place them in the TCL Library dir as shown in the example below. (if you tcl binary located in /usr/bin then)
tDom  (package dir) goes into -> /usr/lib/
tbcload (package dir) goes into -> /usr/lib/tcl8.4/

Product : Spirent TestCenter,Avalanche,L4-7,Automation