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SimINERTIAL reports error message "Unfortunately you do not have the required licence to run this inertial type"


The error message "Unfortunately you do not have the required licence to run this inertial type" will appear in the SimINERTIAL "Director" display window (and DOS window). It indicates that the PosApp (SimGEN) scenario setting [Vehicle-->Aiding-->INS model file-->General-->Navigation system (UUT)] does not match one of the available inertial type selections in SimINERTIAL [Controller-->Hardware settings] display.

Do the following:-

  1. Double-check the inertial types you are permitted to use by opening the SimINERTIAL [Controller-->Hardware settings] display. Each available inertial type is represented as a tab selection; selecting the tab to view will allow further hardware settings to be configured for that inertial type (see the SimINERTIAL user manual for further information - DGP00818AAA, installed with the SimINERTIAL software).
        - NOTE : If you are faced with a "No dongle detected" message when opening the SimINERTIAL [Controller-->Hardware settings] display, see article SOL10872
  2. Change the PosApp scenario setting to match one of the inertial types your system is authorised to work with.

Product : SimINERTIAL