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How do I copy to move the SUT information from an old TAS to a new TAS on Landslide?


We do not have a way to do that via GUI, SUTs have to be entered manually.

There is a workaround via TCL API, Tcl script that could login to one TAS, copy the SUTS and save them and then login to another TAS and create the same SUTs on a new TAS.
Please have a try the TCL script as below, if you have found any problem with the codes, please let me know.
set srcTAS                                    # source TAS ip
set srcUser yuan                                                # source TAS username               
set srcPass a1b2c3d4                                       # source TAS password
set dstTAS                                   # destination TAS ip
set dstUser sms                                                # destination TAS username
set dstPass a1b2c3d4                                      # destination TAS password
set maxID 1000                                                 # max sut id, how many suts in the source TAS? Assume the number is smaller than maxID
# Retrieve suts from source tas
ls::login $srcTAS $srcUser $srcPass
set sutlist ""
for {set i 1} {$i<=$maxID} {incr i} {
if ![catch {set sut [ls::query SutInfo -Id $i]}] {
                lappend sutlist "[ls::get $sut]"
# Create suts in destination TAS
ls::login $dstTAS $dstUser $dstPass
set i 1
foreach sutinfo $sutlist {
                set cmd "ls::create SutInfo"
                foreach item $sutinfo {
                                set k [string tolower [lindex $item 0]]
                                set v [lindex $item 1]
                                if {![string equal -nocase $k LastSavedDate] && ![string equal -nocase $k id]} {
                                                append cmd " -$k $v"
                set sut [eval $cmd]
                catch {ls::perform AddSut $sut}
                incr i
puts "$i suts are moved from $srcTAS to $dstTAS"

Product : Landslide,Automation,TAS Manager,Tcl API