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Spirent TestCenter: How do I configure a filter using the analyzer and capture functions?

  • Spirent TestCenter
    • PGA
  1. TestCenter has ability to filter using the analyzer and capture functions on the frame template or using the byte offset.
  2. On the Port Analyzer under Template Filter one can choose to filter any part of the header.
  3. On the Port Analyzer under Custom Filter one can choose to filter on the frame offset.
  4. On the Port Capture under Pattern Definition, one can choose to add a Template or Custom Filter.
  5. For Capture filtering:
    1. Note the text in the Info on the pattern definition…especially the part that says: “Please note that pattern definition applies only to the receiving side”
    2. In TX/RX mode ALL transmit packets are captured (none are triggered) and RX packets are filtered and triggered.  Even though there may be a filter one still received all the TX packets.
    3. In TX mode the filter/trigger does not apply and all TX packets are captured (Tx capture only applies to frames generated by the CPU.  FPGA-generated frames are not captured when Tx capture is enabled)
    4. In RX mode only the filtered packets are captured
  6. When you are in any window, you should be able to select F1 on your keyboard and open online Help for that specific window.
  7. For GUI online Help, from the top menu, select Help -> Contents -> Setting Up the Packet Generator/Analyzer -> Setting Up Traffic Analyzers – Template and Custom Filters or -> Capture OverView – Frame Content Mode and Byte Offset Range Mode.
  8. There are more topics you can drill down for the Analyzer and Capture Filters.
    1. View the Analyzer Filters in the Port - Traffic Analyzer Results Browser -> Streams -> Filtered Stream Results
    2. View the Capture Filters in the Port -> Capture (Start, Stop, and View)
  9. The attachment demonstrates How to Configure

Example to capture only ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitations

  • Select Capture on the desired port
  • Click on the "General" tab
    • Set "Capture Source" to "Tx/Rx Mode"
    • Set "Buffer Action" to "Stop"
  • Click on "Pattern Definition" tab
    • Click "Add" and select "Add a filter with offset"
    • Check "Selected"
    • Enter "87" under "Value" - this will filter out all packets received except for neighbor solicitations
    • Enter "FF" under "Mask (Hex)"
    • Enter "58" under "Offset"
  • Click "Apply"
Attachment Description
TestCenter has ability to filter the analyzer and capture using the frame template or using the byte offset

Product : Spirent TestCenter,Packet Captures