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Spirent TestCenter : How to simulate a LACP failover?

  • Spirent TestCenter
  • LACP - Convergence

Technique #1 – Use High Speed Stream Analysis (Accuracy to mSec of resolution)
On the evacuated RX port setup a classic a high speed stream analysis where the condition is LESS THAN and Value is 100% of baseline. On the new RX port, start the high speed stream  analysis when the RX count goes GREATER THAN  0, set the desired sample interval. Be sure auto trigger on both ports are turned on.
When packets start to move it will simultaneously trigger both ports. Look at the results and overlay the charts. From here you can measure convergence down to mSec of accuracy.

Technique #2 – Use Spirent Wireshark (Accuracy to nSec of resolution)
On both RX ports, set a capture filter to only capture SIGNED frames with the STREAM ID of the measured stream. Start capture on both RX ports. Start TX. Cause the fail over. Stop capture on all ports. On the evacuated RX port, look at the last received signed frame Spirent TestCenter signature Timestamp. On the new RX port, look at the first Spirent TestCenter signature field timestamp. From this value subtract the first time stamp. This is the convergence time in ‘clock ticks’. Multiply by 2.5 nSec. This will give you the convergence time in +/- 10 nSec of resolution on 1G and 10G and 2.5 nSec on HSE Ethernet.

Product : Access,Spirent TestCenter,Spirent TestCenter,LACP