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How to build a Wake on LAN packet using SpirentTestCenter



Wake On Lan Packet Format:
Unfortunately Spirent Does not have the Wake on LAN PDU.
However, Spirent TestCenter has
1.       Custom header and able to generate any Header type if you already have a PCAP Or
2.       You can directly generate WOL streamblocks from the PCAP file using Generate Stream Block Feature.
Please see the attached configuration file that I have configured. The wol streamblock build
Option 1:  Generate StreamBlock from Pcap (Port 4/2 Streamblocks in the attached configuration)
1.       Make sure the system installed with
a.       TCL
b.      Wireshark
2.       In the Spreitnt TestCenter Application please goto
a.       Tools -> Option -> Tcl/Tk to set the TCL path
b.      Settings -> Traffic -> Set the Tshark.exe path
3.       Select the port -> Generator -> Click on “Generate Stream Block”
4.       Browse it for pcap file. Choose the Wol.pcap
5.       This will generate the Streamblock(s) from the pcap file
Option 2:  Using Custom Header Option (Port 4/1 Streamblocks in the attached configuration)
1.       Build Headers using Existing PDUs. Example for Ethernet -> Wake On Lan Header Type)
a.       Add Ether Header -> Change the Detonation Mac to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
b.      Change the  Ether Type to 0x0842
2.       Add Custom Header to Ethernet Header
3.       Copy the Wol  Bytes (hex Stream Content) as shown below
4.       Paste the content to the Custom Header Byte Patten
Apply and now able generate the WOL streamblocks.   Also could edit the streamblock and modify the WOL MAC addresses


Product : Spirent TestCenter,General Navigation,L2-3