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Spirent TestCenter: How to switch the line speed between 1Gbps and 10Gbps on a Spirent TestCenter DX-10G-S32 module?

  • Spirent TestCenter


As of Spirent TestCenter 4.10, the DX-10G-S32 module supports both 1Gbps and 10Gbps line speeds.  To switch between the line speeds:

  • Reserve all the ports on that module
    • NOTE: all 32 ports must be the same line speed
    • If you don't have all the ports reserved you will be prompted to do so.
  • Change the line speed on all the ports.  Performing this on one port will switch the setting on all the ports. So,
    Go to "All Ports" and under the "Port Config" tab, select the line speed you want to switch to


    from an individual port, under the "10Gig General" tab --> Ethernet Mode select "10G LAN" or "1000Mbps LAN"
  • Click "Apply"
    This will cause all the ports to reboot.
  • When the ports complete rebooting, they will automatically be reserved again.

Product : DX