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Doc ID: FAQ13224
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Why does my Spirent Test Center not come up after I power it off and on ( power reset ) ?
(The Spirent Test Center unit was working and justed needed to power reset. Resulting in... already tried unplugging /plugging the power cable; pressed the power button and waited for more than 2 hours... still cannot ping; the status button is red, power button is green.)
Please try...
1. Power the unit off; disconnect all ‘test modules’ from their respective slots (EXCEPT for the controller module, which is usually located on the back of the (rack-mounted)chassis anyway.
2. Power the unit back on. Please give it about 30-minutes, then try to ping the unit.
** Also after 30mintues, please see if the ‘Master’ and ‘Status’ LEDs on the controller module (IF applies to you controller) is GREEN. Again, this controller module is on the backside of the chassis (opposite side of the test module/slots). While there, also confirm if all the power supply blade LEDs are 'GREEN'.
3. If unit appears up and it is pingable, check for the availability of the unit from your GUI (menu), i.e. Tools/Equipment Information/Chassis (tab).
3a. If all looks good, please start plugging in the modules, one or two at a time and see what happens. Please give it some time to initialize.
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Product : Chassis
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