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iTest - How to publish test reports to HPQC which are executed from iTestCLI or iTestRT?

  • iTest
  • HPQC
  • iTestCLI
  • iTestRT

To publish test reports for the test cases that are executed from 'iTestcli' and 'iTestRT', we need to use the following arguments along with the command.

  • -qc,--publishToQualityCenter                       Publish the test report to Quality Center
  • -qcd,--qcDomain <qcDomain>                    Specify the Quality Center domain.
  • -qcp,--qcPassword <qcPassword>            Password to connect to Quality Center
  • -qcpr,--qcProject <qcProject>                      Specify the Quality Center project.
  • -qcs,--qcServer <qcServer>                          Specify the Quality Center server, overriding the workspace default
  • -qct,--qcTestInstance <qcTestInstance>   Specify the full path to the test instance location in Quality Center. Format:"<TestSet Path>\<Test Instance Name>" e.g. "Root\demo\mytests\                                                                                                                      [1]mytestinstance"
  •  -qcu,--qcUser <qcUser>                              User name to connect to Quality Center
Syntax for iTestcli :
itestcli  -qcu "username" -qcp "password" -qcd "domain" -qcpr "<project(this is the project which is being used on QC server side)>" -w "<Workspace_path>" -qcs "<Serveraddress:port>" -qct "<Test SetPath>\<Test Instance Name>" -qc "<path of the testcase>" 
Syntax for iTestRT:
For iTest 4.1 and earlier:
itestRT --itar "<itar_path>" --test "<path of the testcase>" -qc -qcs "<Serveraddress:port" -qcu "<username> -qcp "<password>" -qcd "<domain>" -qcpr "<project("this is the project which is being used on QC server side)>" -qct "<Test SetPath>\<Test Instance Name>
For iTest 4.2 and newer:
itestRT --licenseServer "<license server:port> --itar "<itar_path>" --test "<path of the testcase>" -qc -qcs "<Serveraddress:port" -qcu "<username> -qcp "<password>" -qcd "<domain>" -qcpr "<project("this is the project which is being used on QC server side)>" -qct "<Test SetPath>\<Test Instance Name>

Note: Please make sure that the test cases are published at least once from iTest GUI to make it work for publishing from iTestcli or iTestRT.

Product : Velocity Portfolio,Velocity iTest