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For SR5500 in "RX Diversity" mode, is there a way to set one channel with noise only and one channel with signal only? How?


The answer to this question is yes. Here is what you can do to achieve it:
1. set the SR5500 to Rx Diversity mode.
2. For the channel with noise only:

  • On the "Channel Editor" view, go to the corresponding channel tab which you would like to have noise only signal,  disable all paths by un checking the path check box.
  • On the "Interference Editor" view, enable AWGN and configure C/N setting as you like.
  • On the "Instrument Setup" view, select the second group box that allows you set noise level directly.

3. For the channel with signal only:

  • On the "Channel Editor" view, go to the corresponding channel tab which you would like to have signal only signal,  configure PDP as you would like to use.
  • On the "Interference Editor" view, Disable AWGN.

Now the test scenario is created and it is ready to play.

Product : SR5500,SR5500,SR5500