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Where can I find information about the Galileo PRN sequences used by the GNSS simulator?

  1. If you have a Galileo-capable GSS6700, GSS7800, GSS7900 or GSS8000 simulator model that uses the PosApp (SimGEN / SimREPLAYplus / SimREPLAY) software application
        - You will find a folder called "Galileo_data_sets" installed in the software application directory which contains PRN files used by the simulator.
        - The default PRN sequences are in accordance with the appropriate Galileo ICD
        - The supported version of ICD is listed in the SimGEN user manual (DGP00686AAA) or GSS6700 & SimREPLAY user manual (DGP01047AAA) referenced documents section
        - Details of the file formats are provided in the SimGEN user manual
        - PRN sequences are up-loaded to the simulator after it has been powered on, during the first scenario run. Until the simulator is power cycled no further up-load of PRN sequences is made.
        - You can modify the original, default files, but a power cycle of the simulator and restart of the software is necessary for the changes to be applied
  2. If you have a Galileo-capable GSS6300 or GSS6300M simulator
        - The Galileo E1B/C PRN sequences are loaded on to the unit at the time of manufacture.
        - There is no method to modify the PRN sequences. However they are in accordance with the Galileo OS ICD

        - NOTE : SimCHAN v3-xx provides a "Galileo_data_sets" folder, installed in the SimCHAN software application directory. This is for information only.

Product : Galileo,GSS6300,GSS6700,GSS7800,GSS7900,GSS8000,GSS6300M