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GSS6400: What is the data storage format?

  • GSS6400
        - GPS only model; minimum requirements =  Firmware v3.00 and FPGA v54 and FIFO v58
        - GPS/GLO model; minimum requirements = Firmware v3.00 and FPGA v54 and FIFO v56
        - GPS/GLO/GAL model; minimum requirements = Firmware v3.32 and FPGA v65 and FIFO v66h
  1. The basic file structure is as follows:-

    BYTE ORDER ON DISK (Big Endian)
    32 bit word

  2. Data stored in Big Endian format
  3. The most significant bit of each byte is the earliest time sample in that byte  
  4. When reading data off the disk there is a byte reversal.
        - To get the format above swap bytes 4 and 1, 3 and 2
  5. Files are stored as 'Sign' and 'Magnitude' (Mag) - see table structures below

  6. The data format depends on the file format, as follows.

GPS Only = .dat or .dgp files

GPS Mag MSB (t0-7)
GPS Sign MSB (t0-7)
GPS MAG LSB (t8-15)
GPS Sign LSB (t8-15)

GPS (2bit) + GLONASS (1bit) = .dgg files

Glonass Sign MSB (t0-7)
Glonass Sign LSB (t8-15)
GPS Mag (t1,3,5...15)
GPS Sign (t1,3,5...15)

GLONASS Only = .dgl files

Glonass Mag MSB (t0-7)
Glonass Mag LSB (t8-15)
Glonass Sign MSB (t0-7)
Glonass Sign LSB (t8-15)

Galileo Only = .dga files

Galileo Mag MSB (t0-7)
Galileo Mag LSB (t8-15)
Galileo Sign MSB (t0-7)
Galileo Sign LSB (t8-15)

Product : GSS6400