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Spirent TestCenter-HLTAPI: How to install HLTAPI and set environment variables?

  • Spirent TestCenter
  • Automation- HLTAPI
  • Linux Operating System
  • Recommended TCL version: 8.4.19 32bit

Setup HLTAPI can be done in following ways:

  1. Unzip HLTAPI using command " tar -vxf hltapi_X.XX_stc_X.XX.X.tar". In the lib of Tcl installation folder, for example: /root/tcl/lib, hltapi folder will be created after it is untarred.
  2. Test the Installation, refer example



              % package require SpirentHltApi
               HltApi (Ver. 4.XX) was successfully loaded and initialized
               Internal Version: 4.XX.XXXX


  1. Unzip HLTAPI using command "tar -vxf hltapi_X.XX_stc_X.XX.X.tar" in the location where you want to install HLTAPI.
  2. Set the TCLLIBPATH environment variable to point to the pkgIndex.tcl file in the package – for example : “/home/tools/4.XX/HLTAPI_4.XX/SourceCode/”
  3. Test the Installation, refer example below
    % package require SpirentHltApi
    HltApi (Ver. 4.XX) was successfully loaded and initialized
    Internal Version: 4.XX.XXXX

Product : Spirent TestCenter,Automation,API,Spirent TestCenter,UNIX