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iTest : How to configure triad license server for iTest.

  • The license file generated for three servers must be modified to include hostname or IP address and port number. Edit the file once and use the same license file in all three machines. The syntax is SERVER hostname/IP_Address COMPOSITE=MAC_ID port. 
          SERVER COMPOSITE=0A5ED9445J9F 27100
          SERVER COMPOSITE=3045EBB7F6C4 27100
          SERVER COMPOSITE=81856T7DBB9A 27100
          VENDOR spirent
  • Start the license server one by one with five to ten seconds interval.
  • When redundant servers (triad) are successfully loaded, each server shows the following:
    Flexible License Manager status on Mon 9/30/2013 10:35
    [Detecting lmgrd processes...]
    License server status: 27100@HOST1,27100@HOST2,27100@HOST3
    License file(s) on HOST1: D:\spirent-vendor-daemon_v4.2-win32\TriadLicense.lic:
    HOST1: license server UP (MASTER) v11.10
    HOST2: license server UP v11.10
    HOST3: license server UP v11.10
    Vendor daemon status (on HOST1):
    spirentd: UP v11.10

    NOTE: HOST1, HOST2 and HOST3 are the license server host names.
  • When all three licenses servers are configured in Spirent iTest, Spirent iTest automatically “rolls over” to the next license server when the first server becomes unavailable.
  • In a multi-license server configurations, the statistical majority of license servers must be active. That is, for example, if there are three licenses servers, then at least two must be active. This requirement ensures that the servers can “agree” on which licenses are in use, and that the behavior is as designed by FlexNet.


Product : Velocity Portfolio,Velocity iTest