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Spirent TestCenter: How to test FTP/HTTP with STC application not Avalanche?

  • STC application GUI actually supports ALP testing, includes FTP/HTTP/SIP etc.
  • Before applying an ALP test, make sure you have the associated license installed in your Spirent TestCenter.
  1. Create two device on two ports and modify the IP to match your testing, these two device are client and server for FTP or HTTP test.
  2. Click the wizards button on right top of the GUI, and find the Application Layer Protocols.
  3. Follow the wizard to configure server & client end, and also the FTP\HTTP parameters.
  4. After finish the wizard, you can also change your FTP/HTTP settings as usual, like OSPF etc.
  5. The profiles could be reconfigure from FTP tab. 
  6. Please be careful that you can use two ports in same port group for a client/server pair, but this will affect your test performance. The better way is to use two ports from different port group as client & server.  

For further assistance, reference the TestCenter Application -> Help -> Contents -> Application Testing -> and drill down into individual protocols for instructions and references 



Product : Spirent TestCenter,HTTP,FTP,ALP