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iTest Lab Optimizer: How to use iLO Commands to retrieve and access properties within iTest?

  • Spirent iTest.
  • iTest Lab Optimizer.
  • Spirent Velocity.
  • When we use iLO, especially for abstract topologies, all the information is stored in iLO.
  • To get to this information, we need to use the iLO commands and replace tbml with ilo.
  • As an example, if we have a TBML command like [tbml property –id RG wirelessSSID] to retrieve the same information from an iLO topology we need to replace tbml with ilo [ilo property -id resource_0 name].
  • For Velocity, we can use below Velocity tbml command to get the reservationID of the reservation.
    Syntax: velocity reservationId

Product : Velocity Core,Velocity Portfolio,Velocity iTest