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iTest: What is the usage of "Use Line Mode" in Regex extractor properties in Analysis rule?

  • iTest
  • 'Use Line Mode' will treat every line as separate in the response.
  • We can retrieve the first match of the response by using 'Use Line Mode'.
    • Example: If the response contains a line as follows:
    • AVP: Session-Id(263) l=62 f=-M-val=aaa://;1398237036;40
    • Regular expression for the above line is "^\s+AVP: Session-Id\(\d+\) l=\d+\s+f=-M- val=(\S+)$".
    • From the above expression the symbol "^" and "$" indicates the starting and ending of the line of the extracted value. Means here the values which are starting with AVP:Session-Id and ending with val=xxxx will extract all the values.
    • If we uncheck the option "Use Line Mode", then iTest will throw an error as "No matches found for RegEx..xxxxx",   because of the starting and ending  symbols of the regular expression. We can check this option by removing the   symbols "^" and "$" and use the query as \s+AVP: Session-Id\(\d+\) l=\d+\s+f=-M- val=(\S+) to retrieve the first matching value of the response.
  • Attached is the sample test case.




Product : Velocity Portfolio,Velocity iTest