Follow the below steps to fetch Rx L1 Results
1. Subscribe to Rx Stream summary results using below API:
set hResultDataSet [stc::subscribe -Parent $hProject \
-configType StreamBlock \
-resultType RxStreamSummaryResults \
-filenameprefix RxStreamSummaryResults \
-viewAttributeList [list MinLatency MaxLatency AvgLatency BitRate DroppedFrameCount FrameCount FrameRate]]
2. Get the result handle list for subscribed result and get the L1bitrate for all the streamblock:
foreach hResults [stc::get $hResultDataSet -ResultHandleList] {
array set aResults [stc::get $hResults]
puts "\t$hResults\tStream Id: $aResults(-Comp32)\tRx L1 Rate: $aResults(-l1bitrate)\n"