Below is the code set device_ret1 [sth::emulation_dhcp_group_config\ -mode create\ -dhcp_range_ip_type 4\ -encap ethernet_ii\ -handle $dhcp_handle\ -num_sessions 5 \ -opt_list "1 6 15 33 44" \ -host_name client_@p-@b-@s \ -mac_addr 00:10:94:00:00:02 \ -mac_addr_step 00:00:00:00:00:01 \ -ipv4_gateway_address \ ] set status [keylget device_ret1 status] if {$status == 0} { puts "run sth::emulation_dhcp_group_config failed" puts $device_ret1 } else { puts "***** run sth::emulation_dhcp_group_config successfully" } set dhcp_block_handle [keylget device_ret1 handles] puts "The DHCP Block handle for the device is $dhcp_block_handle" set ctrl_ret2 [sth::emulation_dhcp_control \ -port_handle "$port2"\ -action bind\ -ip_version 4\ ] set status [keylget ctrl_ret2 status] if {$status == 0} { puts "run sth::emulation_dhcp_control failed" puts $ctrl_ret2 } else { puts "***** run sth::emulation_dhcp_control successfully" } after 10000 # To get the IP address of the device stc::perform Dhcpv4ShowSessionInfoCommand -blocklist $dhcp_block_handle set results_list [split [stc::get $dhcp_block_handle -children-Dhcpv4SessionResults] " "] foreach result $results_list { set ipv4Addr [stc::get $result -Ipv4Addr] set macAddr [stc::get $result -MacAddr] puts "Device with macAddr $macAddr has been assigned $ipv4Addr\n" }