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Spirent iTest: What are the deprecated actions in iTest Selenium compare to Web session.

  • Spirent iTest 5.1.

Below are the deprecated actions in iTest Selenium session:

  • answerPrompt: The Selenium answerOnNextPrompt action is a replacement for the Web answerPrompt command. There is one important difference: The answer text for the answerOnNextPrompt action is specified by the Target property. In contrast, the answer text for the answerPrompt action appears in the Command property.
  • Confirm is the deprecated one.
  • formSubmit: The submit action is an alias for formSubmit.
  • refresh: The reload action is an alias for refresh.
  • selectAdditional: The addSelection action is an alias for selectAdditional.
  • setFilePath: Use the type action with the file upload field set as a Target to pick the file by the specified path. The type action is the only action captured when picking a file while capturing a session.
  • setText: The type action is an alias for setText.
  • showPage:The getSource action is an alias for showPage.
  • unselect: The removeSelection action is an alias for unselect.

Product : Velocity Portfolio,Velocity iTest