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Spirent TestCenter: Spirent conformation test RuntimeError in perform: unable to create unknown command "CtsLoadWorkSpaceCommand"

Version 4.64
 When attempted to run conformance test and  got the following message.

Spirent Communications Tcl shell command interpreter. Copyright (c) 2005 - 2016, Spirent Communications.
Using external tcl interpreter
tcl version: 8.5.9
tclsh location: C:/Program Files (x86)/Spirent Communications/Spirent TestCenter 4.64/TCL/bin/tclsh85.exe
tcl library: C:/Program Files (x86)/Spirent Communications/Spirent TestCenter 4.64/TCL/lib/tcl8.5
tcl package search path: {C:/Program Files (x86)/Spirent Communications/Spirent TestCenter 4.64/TCL/lib/tcl8.5} {C:/Program Files (x86)/Spirent Comations/Spirent TestCenter 4.64/TCL/lib}
% package require SpirentTestCenterConformance
% stc::perform CtsLoadWorkSpace -fileName "C:/Users/iTest_Workspaces/MSFT_Automation/t_MSFT_Automation/configs/conformance/bgp_internal_wsp_dc5_CSP"
RuntimeError in perform: unable to create unknown command "CtsLoadWorkSpaceCommand"
 Issue Resolved in 4.67


Product : API