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Lumos PM: How can I found out when a Switch's 24 hour PM Cycle will restart?

Lumos PM - All version
This can be identified by connecting to the command line of the server and issueing ps statements.

For Linux and IBM servers:
ps -ef | grep SWITCH-NAME | grep -v grep
where SWITCH-NAME is the name of the Switch you are checking for.

For Solaris:  must be user "smartsys" to see the response to the commands.
/usr/ucb/ps -axxww | grep SWITCH-NAME | grep -v grep
where SWITCH-NAME is the name of the Switch you are checking for.

ps -ef | grep pid
where pid is the pid from the /usr/ucb/ps command response.

Example for Linux and IBM.   Switch STAC-7502-2 is running a TWAMP PM test that started at 18:02 and a PING test that started at 18:02.
smartsys@spcfrktdpv04 [/spirent/home/smartsys] (RC=0)
=> ps -ef | grep STAC-7502-2 | grep -v grep
smartsys 29329 16452  1 18:02 ?        00:00:00 /spirent/cots/perl/5.6.1/bin/perl -w /spirent/metro/escout/scripts/ /spirent/metro/escout/configFiles/STAC-7502-2_79_TWAMP_1.CFG
smartsys 29330 16452  1 18:02 ?        00:00:00 /spirent/cots/perl/5.6.1/bin/perl -w /spirent/metro/escout/scripts/ /spirent/metro/escout/configFiles/STAC-7502-2_79_PING_4.CFG
smartsys@spcfrktdpv04 [/spirent/home/smartsys] (RC=0)
=> date
Fri Feb 23 13:09:56 EST 2018
smartsys@spcfrktdpv04 [/spirent/home/smartsys] (RC=0)

Example for Solaris:  Switch STAC-7531_P1 is running a TWAMP PM test that started at 19:44:45.
smartsys@panini [/users/smartsys] (RC=0)
=> /usr/ucb/ps -axxww | grep STAC-7531_P1 | grep -v grep
 21651 ?        S  0:09 /spirent/cots/perl/5.6.1/bin/perl -w /spirent/metro/escout/scripts/ /spirent/metro/escout/configFiles/STAC-7531_P1_826_TWAMP_1.CFG
smartsys@panini [/users/smartsys] (RC=0)
=> ps -ef | grep 21651 | grep -v grep
smartsys 21651 29412   0 19:44:45 ?           0:10 /spirent/cots/perl/5.6.1/bin/perl -w /spirent/metro/escout/scripts/ /s
smartsys@panini [/users/smartsys] (RC=0)
=> date
Fri Feb 23 19:00:49 GMT 2018
smartsys@panini [/users/smartsys] (RC=0)

Product : VW Controller PM Classic