Note: If the Velocity VM and the Agent host are not in sync, the Agent may stop extending a reservation and execution may be aborted.
Any other Linux or Windows operative system are not certified by our Q&A team, which means that systems out of the list may not work or behave as expected.
The agent version and the velocity server version should always match in the first 2 levels of the version. Example: Velocity agent 8.1.0 == Velocity Server 8.1.0. Matching combination, it will work! Velocity agent 8.2.0 == Velocity Server 8.3.0. This combination will not work!
Note: The log file agent.log is located in the folder named logs within the Velocity Agent extraction folder: \log\agent.log **Any change desired on windows over the velocity IP or process count will require an agent service removal and to run again the setup-agent-service.bat to apply any change.
Example: nssm.exe remove "velocity-agent"
Note: The logs on linux installations can be found at: /var/opt/spirent/velocity-agent/log/agent.log