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Spirent TestCenter: How can I configure IPv6 Destination Header?

  • Spirent TestCenter.
  • IPv6.
  • IPv6 Destination Header.
  • Open Spirent TestCenter Application, connect to a chassis and, reserve two ports.
  • Create 2 IPv6 emulated devices on Spirent Test  Center Application.
  • Create 1 stream block; for this example, we’re going to use a unidirectional one.
  • At the Frame screen, go to the Add Header option at the left menu.  Scroll down and, under Category: IP, you will find the IPv6 Destination Header option; highlight it and hit the OK button at the bottom.
  • Expand the IPv6 Destination Header menu, right-click at the IPv6 Options option, and select Insert Pad1 Option.
  • Expand the IPv6 Options and Pad 1 Options menus; at the Pad 1 Option textbox, you can set the value you want in decimal notation.  You mentioned you want it to be 0xC9, so we should use 201.
The PCAP should show something like this:

Product : Spirent TestCenter,IPv6