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Spirent TestCenter: How can I advertise BGP routes?

  • Spirent TestCenter.
  • BGP.
  • Advertise routes.
There are different ways you can create BGP routes on Spirent TestCenter.
  1. Route Generator Wizard.
  2. Edit Routes Window
  3. Import the routes from a TXT file.
To create the routes from the Route Generator wizard follow the steps below:
  • After creating the emulated devices on STC and setting the BGP parameters, hit the Route Generator… button under All Devices/BGP tab.
  • The wizard will ask for:
    • The Emulate device that’s going to advertise the routes.
    • The BGP route type that’s going to be advertised; i.e. IPv4, IPv6, or Link-State routes.
    • The routes information; e.g. Number or routes to create, IP Prefixes, Prefix Length, BGP attributes.
 To create routes using the Edit Routes… popup window.
  • After creating the emulated devices on STC and setting the BGP parameters, hit the Edit Routes… button under All Devices/BGP tab.
  • In this window, you can edit the routes you have already created, or add new ones.
  • The Select Routers drop-down table will allow you to select the router that will advertise the routes.
  • When you hit the Add button a new route will be added in the grid.  You can edit the values that aren’t italicized.
    • Please consider that the routes created will be the same type as the tab selected.
If you have a txt file with the routes, please follow the steps on KB SOL12471 - Spirent TestCenter: How to Import BGP routes into STC to import them to STC.

Product : Spirent TestCenter,BGP