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Spirent TestCenter: How can I create an IPv6 stream block?

  • Spirent TestCenter.
  • IPv6
  • Open SpirentTestCenter, connect to a chassis, and reserve the ports you’re going to use for the test.
  • Create de IPv6 emulated devices using the Create Devices wizard.
  • Go to the All Stream Blocks option in the left menu and hit the Add… button.
  • In the Endpoints screen, select the ports you’re going to use as the stream blocks’ source and destination, and if the traffic is going to be Unidirectional or Bidirectional.  Don’t forget to click on the Add button to create the stream block.
  • Continue through all the wizard to set up the stream block configuration. 
Since we created IPv6 devices, the stream blocks are going to have IPv6 encapsulation, as shown in the screenshot below.

Product : Spirent TestCenter,IPv6