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PosApp: What is limiting the received or simulated satellites in my scenario?

  • PosApp
    • SimGEN
    • SimREPLAY+
    • SimTEST
  • GNSS simulators
    • GSS9000
    • GSS7000
    • GSS6300M
    • GSS8000
    • GSS6700
The total number of satellites that will be generated is limited by a number of factors, which broadly include but are not necessarily limited to:
  1. Location – satellites need to be visible to the simulated vehicle
  2. Scenario settings – various factors can control whether a Satellite is simulated or not
  3. Simulator capability – number of channels purchased
    • The number of purchased channels can be seen by clicking "Help" > "About"


Product : GSS9000_SERIES,SimREPLAYplus,SimGEN,PosApp,Positioning,GSS6300M_I,GSS6300M,GSS7000,GSS6700,SimGNSS