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NIC to eth mapped by PCI ethernet MAC shuffling of vTS deployed in EXSi Host post reboot or recycle
Post reboot of vTS or VM or Host PCI ethernet MAC address are getting shuffled and resulting of ARP resolution fail then resulting test run fail.
This is an Ubuntu limitation due to this ports are reordered after change.
We already have ER to provide better option in future.
Just for info, the Feature proposed we are working on now is:
Give user ability to order their interfaces based on NIC's MAC address rather than depending on Landslide to order/re-order based on PCI address
Applicable to:
vTS - Primarily for VM (because on physical the order is unlikely to change unless user opens the cover and replace NIC.)
Physical TS.
The instructions to follow: Where it's already enabled, just skip. The key is to add interfaces to VM one by one so that they show up with an incremental PCI address.
Try the following
remove all interfaces
add vmxnet3 for management port eth0
add 1st PCI-passthrough device for eth1
Repeat for eth2, eth3, ... if so is desired
When VM is rebooted, Landslide will rescan the PCI NIC devices. It'll automatically try to reorder the eth0, eth1, ... numbering based on incremental order of PCI address. So it's not that customer will need to reorder things, it rather that, customer define which MAC address should always be called eth0, which always be called eth1, etc, and TS should never try to reorder on its own.
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Product : Landslide
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