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How to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in RHEL Linux environment for Avalanche API?



Setting the .bash_profile:

·         Edit the .bash_profile  from the user home directory

·         Add the following (This demonstrate the 3.90 release and change the version to meet the user requirement )

             export SPIRET_TCLAPI_ROOT=/opt/Layer_4_7_Auto_Linux_3.90/Layer_4_7_Application_Linux/TclAPI

             export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Layer_4_7_Auto_Linux_3.90/Layer_4_7_Application_Linux/STC

             export PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH


At Run time on the Linux window:

                       User may able to enter the above export commands on the window at runtime before executing the scripts

                       Note: This need to be executed everytime before runs the script if user does not set up the .bash_profile



Product : Appliance,Avalanche,L4-7,Automation,Spirent TestCenter