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Is there a command in Avalanche to fetch both the IMAP header and body at once?


At this time Avalanche does not support fetching both the header and body in a single command.  If you want to get both the header and body you must use both of the following FETCH commands in your action list:

 -  FETCH_BODY = sequence-Retrieves message bodies associated with messages specified by sequence. Sequence is a string that has the same format as IMAP sequence. For example: FETCH_BODY="1,3,6:10,14:*"

 - FETCH_HEADERS = sequence-Retrieves headers associated with messages specified by sequence.
For complete details on how to use this command please refer to the online help in the Avalanche GUI ( accessed by hitting the F1 key)

Product : Avalanche,L4-7,Avalanche,IMAP