1. Recommend to reset UE between test cases. This can be done by select “Reset mobile between tests” in execution window. Note: a) If UE supports AT command to reset, edit AT command to reset device automaticly. b) We can rely on UTS to reset device automatically. In TDII mobile file first tab, configure UTS related parameters. (UTS, AT command and QMI use different ports, so we can use them at the same time.)
2. In TDII mobile file first tab, choose correct network connection name generated by eHRPD device. And select eHRPD data call setup mode. See FAQ11614 for the difference between DUN, ICS and NIC. Note: If device sets up data call automatically, choose "Bring up data call manually".
Test Case Details:
3. Test Case 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.11, 2.13: TDII side: In mobile file eHRPD settings, check Internet PDN (IMS PDN can be checked or unchecked)
4: Test Case 2.9, 2.10, 2.12: UE side: IMS service is required TDII side: In mobile file eHRPD settings, check both IMS PDN and Internet PDN
5. Test Case 2.5 UE side: IMS service is required, automatic Internet PDN attach should be disabled Note: a) for LG VL600, type this AT command via LG Connection Manager: at%lcaconmod=0. Refer to FAQ11828 on how to send AT command. b) for Pantech UML290, disable automatic Internet Data Call via VZWManager.
TDII side: In mobile file eHRPD settings, uncheck Internet PDN
6. Test Case 2.6 TDII side: In mobile file eHRPD settings, uncheck IMS PDN
7. In TDII mobile file eHRPD settings, configure VZWIMS PDN ID to the same as IMS PDN ID used by UE. Otherwise Test Case 2.4 will Fail.
8. If Test Case 2.7 fails, configure test case parameter "Ping Check After Terminate VSNCP" to False.