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Umetrix Voice: Troubleshooting Techniques for Data that Appears on the Incomplete Tab During Merging


On occasion, Umetrix Voice may be unsuccessful in merging the uplink and downlink data from a test session into a unified log file for report generation. Such files will appear on the Data → Incomplete tab at the conclusion of a test (successfully merged files appear on the Data → Complete tab).

Files on the Incomplete tab contain an icon signifying each problematic channel:

  • The half-circle icon indicates that Umetrix Voice does not have access to all of the data required to merge this file. This might appear if no calls were started for a channel during a test. This might also appear in the case of a Remote Unit test where Umetrix Voice can access the locally collected data but not the remotely collected data.
  • The yellow triangle icon indicates that an error has occurred during data collection preventing Nomad from merging the uplink and downlink data associated with this test case. One likely error cause is the incorrect entry of the Phone Number Settings in the Session dialog on the Test Setup Tab. Another common cause of this error is lack of internet connectivity at merge time.

To troubleshoot issues signified by the yellow triangle :

  • If lack of internet connectivity is believed to be the reason for the error, re-establish the internet connection and then use the Retry Auto-Complete button to merge the data and move to the Complete tab.
  • If the icon indicates Unable to download uplink scores, the Phone Number Settings for the session are likely incorrect. In this case, select the Edit button to Edit Channel Configuration. Enter the correct values for Number to call and Number calling from and then Close the dialog. Click Retry Auto-Complete to merge the data.

To troubleshoot other incomplete data issues:

  • Some files that are unable to be merged automatically can still be merged using the Uplink Scoring Utility.
  • If you believe that a channel has been flagged as incomplete in error, use the Mark As Complete option to disregard the incomplete data warning. Any report generated with this data may contain missing or incomplete information.

The Retry Auto-Complete and Mark Selected As Complete options are also available at the bottom of the Data → Incomplete tab. In general, incomplete data should be fixed before generating reports to ensure the integrity of the data.

Product : Umetrix Voice