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Umetrix Voice: Troubleshooting Techniques for Poor Wideband MOS


Poor wideband MOS results can be the result of recording narrowband content (speech sample) in wideband format.  This can be confirmed using the freeware Audacity tool:

  • Run a Google search to find the free Audacity download online and install.
  • Open the *.WAV file in question with Audacity.
  • Select the region of audio to analyze (most likely the entire speech sample).
  • Select Analyze → Plot Spectrum.
  • The frequency appears on the graph's x-axis:
    • Narrowband - shows to 4000 Hz
    • Wideband - shows to 8000 Hz

This sample was recorded in narrowband format with narrowband content:


This sample was recorded in wideband format with wideband content:


This sample was recorded in wideband format with narrowband content.  This sample exhibited poor MOS due to the fact that the recording format did not support the test content.

Product : Umetrix Voice