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Positioning Application: Can remote commands be saved to file and replayed directly in the scenario?

  • PosApp (SimGEN / SimREPLAYplus / SimREPLAY)
  • Yes, this is possible.
  • Please follow these steps to capture the incoming remote commands to file and then associate that file back in the scenario
  1. Go to menu [Options-->Remote Command Settings]
  2. Enable the 'Output file' to capture commands being sent over TCP/IP, GPIB, RS232 or SCRAMNet.

  3. Run the scenario and send remote commands as normal.
  4. Once the scenario is complete (ended and rewound), locate the 'Output file' that was created
  5. Remove or modify unnecessary commands such as
        - NULL: delete these, they may be used by the remote system to monitor the scenario 'state', but are unnecessary when reading from file
        - 'Immediate' timestamped commands: modify these, particularly motion commands must be timestamped when reading from file
  6. Ensure AR and/or RU and EN commands appear in the correct places in the file
        - This should be the case as the remote system will have issued these commands, so it is really just as a 'confidence' check
  7. Save the modified file
  8. Go back to menu [Options-->Remote Command Settings]
  9. Untick the 'Output file' and "Enable binary logging of received UDP data" selections
  10. To reuse the 'Output file', enable the 'Data file / user actions'
  11. Browse to the 'Output file' that was created
  12. Choose to "Manually" read the file
        - "Automatically" means the file is read once you click 'OK' and whenever PosApp is launched(!), which can often be undesirable

  13. Ensure the scenario has the 'Remote' vehicle type selected
  14. Start the scenario using the 'Start remote input' toolbar button


  1. For commands being sent over UDP/IP, tick "Enable binary logging of received UDP data"
        - However this binary file cannot be reused directly
        - The file must be converted to ascii and then the format of the content made suitable as a .ucd file
        - Please contact Spirent Global Services for assistance with this
  2. Instead of the above technique you can extract particular commands for use elsewhere in the scenario
        - Extract only motion commands (MOT or MOTB) and create a .umt 'User Motion File'
            - The commands must have a valid timestamp, not an 'immediate' timestamp
            - Choose an appropriate vehicle type and then enable the new .umt file as a 'User Motion File' for the vehicle
            - Start the scenario normally, using the toolbar button or with a remote RU command
        - Extract other command types, e.g. POW_LEV, SWITCH_SAT, and create a .act 'User Actions File'
            - The commands must have a valid timestamp, not an 'immediate' timestamp
            - Enable the new .act file in the scenario tree [Options-->User actions file]
            - Start the scenario normally, using the toolbar button or with a remote RU command

Product : SimREMOTE,SimREPLAYplus,SimREPLAY,SimGEN,PosApp