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iTest: How do we set a limit to the number of lines to be read from a file by using "readFile" action?

  •  iTest
  • The "readFile" action in iTest is used to read the complete file, so we cannot set the limit to read the specific number of lines under this action.
  • However we can achieve this using the "File" session in iTest, using the command "read <number of lines>"
  • The maximum number of lines that can be read at a time using "Read" command is 0-999
  • For the file that contains more than 1000 lines, we need to issue the same command again
Note :  In file session, the pointer always moves to next line in the file i.e., we cannot read the previous line that is already read from previous command. Also, make sure to set the Access mode property in the session profile to   READ. 


Product : Velocity Portfolio,Velocity iTest