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iTest: How to use iTest runtime licenses?



  • The Runtime licenses are meant for only test case execution; either from iTest GUI or iTestRT.
  • If the iTestGUI is configured with Runtime licenses, the iTestCLI will use the runtime licenses.
  • If the iTest GUI is opened with runtime licenses,

    i.   We can view and run any test case
    ii.  Pause and resume execution as needed
    iii. Edit session profiles and test beds in order to target a test case to another set of physical devices.
  • Below is the syntax to run a test case using iTestRT

    iTestRT --licenseServer <hostAddress:portNumber> --format project://resources/reports23/test_report_templates/HTML --report <location of the directory where you want to store the reports> --itar <itar URI> --test project://my_project/test_cases/new_testcase.fftc


Product : Velocity Portfolio,Velocity iTest