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iTest: Commands in Telnet session (Microsoft's Telnet server) captured as individual characters.

  • iTest

  • Symptom: Telnet session capturing the command as shown in the below screenshot -


  • Telnet session captures commands as individual characters as the DUT Telnet server (Microsoft's Telnet server) is in Console mode. In this case, DUT is sending data in a "screen" mode rather than in a linear fashion. Here DUT is treating terminal as a fixed size e.g. 80x20 and painting a screen of that size using ANSI escape sequences. When iTest's capture code detects that, it treats the capture as a screen mode capture.
  • In this mode, prompts are meaningless - just as in a normal GUI program, there is no concept of "last line" or "last section" of the GUI. In this mode, iTest is going to send commands as one character at a time and will not have any scrollback buffer. It will only capture 80x20 (or your configured terminal size) as the response.

  • We can confirm this by checking the completion rules of the steps (they will indicate that completion is timed and take a screen shot checkbox is enabled).

  • We have to configure DUT telnet (Microsoft's Telnet) server to be in stream mode if we want normal CLI operations and behavior.

  • Microsoft's Telnet server runs in two modes: "stream" or "console". By default it runs in console mode and this will mean that the cursor will jump all over the screen to fill it in. By comparison, stream mode will keep input and output in a logical stream -- the way iTest needs to look at it. I think your problem will be resolved if you reconfigure the Telnet service to run in stream mode.
  •  To do this on Windows XP or Server 2003, type the following commands at a command prompt on the PC that is running the telnet service:

    tlntadmn stop

    tlntadmn mode=stream

    tlntadmn start

Product : Velocity Portfolio,Velocity iTest